How Your Environment Influences Your Writing (featured on the NaNoWriMo blog!)

10 Ways to Cool Down a Room Fast

How Your Environment Influences Your Writing

By Adrienne B.

   Every day, we're influenced by countless things in our environment. Social media posts, our physical environment, and the people around us all impact the way we think and ultimately, the way we write. Today, I'd like to share with you three ways these things can influence your writing process, and how you harness them to become a better writer. Let's dive in!

   The internet can both help and hinder your writing habit, whether you realize not or not. If you're like me, you love looking around the NaNoWriMo forums for writing advice and general chat. Do you ever look at other writers on the NaNoWriMo forums and think, they're a way better writer than I am? This negative mindset of comparison takes the joy out of writing because you feel like you can never be as good as they are. But the truth is, there will always be people around you who are better than you at writing. Instead of just thinking, they’re better at writing than I am, start finding realistic ways to get better. For example, find writing prompts on Pinterest and just start doing it! The more you write, the better you'll be.
   On the flip side, the internet has really had a positive effect on my writing habit sometimes. For example, I like to use Pinterest to create mood boards for my story and its characters. This really helps me find my vision for the mood I want to evoke when I'm writing, as well as build my characters' personalities.

   Your physical environment also impacts your writing. For example, I have such a hard time getting words on the page when I'm writing in a noisy place, like our family living room. Instead, I like a nice, quiet writing space, like my bedroom. I keep a copy of Save The Cat nearby, just in case I need to double-check a plot point. If you’re a published author, keeping a copy of your book in sight may serve as motivation.
   Another thing I've noticed is how my writing style molds to whatever I'm reading, so I like to read a wide variety of books and articles so my writing never sounds exactly like another author's. In art, they say, "study the masters," and that's very true for writing as well. If you want to be a great writer, study great books. Read bestsellers and try to understand why they sold so well.
   Another big part of our environment is sound. A lot of people like to have playlists for their writing projects, but studies have actually shown that music decreases creativity! Isn't that crazy? If you're one of those writers who has to have something playing, try asking your Alexa or Google Home to play ambient sounds such as a forest, ocean, or rain. A lot of music apps also have these if you just search for 'ambient sounds'.

   The people around us play a great role in our writing as well. I often find that when I hang out with my writer friends, I feel more motivated to write and I hit my word count goals quickly and easily. And sometimes, it's really helpful to have one person give me honest feedback on my writing so I know what works and what doesn't.

I hope this gave you fresh insight into what might be influencing your writing, and maybe inspire you to chip away at your writing project today! Happy writing,
