I've been stuck in my house, with the exception of our sailboat, for at least six weeks. Needless to
say, I've been using this quarantine to get a little time for myself and work on my novel-in-progress!
And yes, go down the occasional Pinterest rabbit-hole. I'm seeing a lot of wonderful short-story
writing prompts, so I've decided to compile my top favorites for you! I hope they help you feel
inspired. Let's dive in!
Short Story Prompts for Teens in Quarantine!
1. A character finds a window that shows what their street looked like during the 1950s.
2. A character finds a half-filled journal. On the last written page, the words stop mid-sentence and are obscured by drops of blood. As the character sets out to find the journal’s original owner, what secrets do they uncover?
3.A character mysteriously develops the ability to enter any book they choose. What happens when they find that they don’t know how to get back out?
4. A character finds a mysteriously perfect scar on their body that they have no memory of getting. Who/what gave it to them? What is the character’s backstory?
5. A character writes to a friend or family member who has passed away. No one replies. . . until someone does. Who is this person? Why are they writing to the main character?
6. A child/teen wakes up in the body of their older self or their older sibling.
7. Write about an event that tears a small town apart . . . but brings two former best friends back together.
8. A character acquires/uncovers a deep, dark secret. How do they go about hiding this secret from their friends and family? How does this affect them emotionally?
Well, those are my story prompts! I hope they help you feel inspired! I have at least five of these
that I want to turn into novels now, but I have a personal maximum of one project at a time. I might
have to go back and read my own article next time I'm sapped for inspiration.
Happy quarantining, everyone! Stay home and stay healthy!
I love these!