Get To Know Me!


Well, hello there!
I'm a teenage writer from Florida and I cannot WAIT to share my blog with you. Here's a little get-to-know-me Q&A!

Q: What do you do when you're not writing?

A: When I'm not writing, you can find me blowing glass at the local hot shop, boogie boarding, or making stopmotion animation. I also lead a homeschool film club and we're making a short film!

Q: What's your favorite place to write?

A: I love to spend time outdoors. One of my favorite places to read or write is in a hammock in the backyard.

Q: Where do you get all your ideas from?

A: I actually get a lot of inspiration while in the shower or doing yoga. A lot of my ideas are bits and pieces of things I see. For example, yesterday I wrote a poem inspired by my bedroom door.

Q: What do you like most about your writing?

A: A lot of my characters are a lot like me, so it's pretty easy to figure out what they're going to do.

Q: What do you like least about your writing?

A: Most of my characters are a little too similar to me. Writer problems!

Q: What are you currently writing as of March 2020?

A: I'm working on a summer project that will hopefully be my first novel. And I'm almost always writing poetry!
